By Alison Daniel
The tendency to fabricate
an answer is called
confabulation which is not
the same as reduplication
although I remember it didn't
matter how similar
circumstances were placed
side by side like the time
you cuddled into my back,
said, 'let me warm you',
how it always meant sex
without seeing your face
so you never knew the girl
who begged
you to stray while I wondered
how long it would take
to think about playing her
against me was perhaps
your first mistake. So many
alibis smoothed
your loose tongue but it
wasn't until your frontal
lobe flipped out to space
that I knew the odds
were against you ever telling
the truth.
live in Australia. My work
has been published in Tryst,
Pierian Springs, Eleven
Bulls, The Absinthe Literary
Review, Clean Sheets, Stirring,
Junket, Poor Mojo's Almanac(k),
August Cutter and many other
fine journals.