Vashon Feature: December 2003 2004 will bring a complete re-design of the KotaPress site. Due to the amount of work involved in this, we will be working behind the scenes during January and February 2004. It is our hope to bring you an even more flexible and comprehensive site in time for March 1st -- our fifth anniversary of doing KotaPress work!
Sunday, December 21st,
Winter Solstice *Fundraiser* Traditionally the henna plant is used to decorate hands and feet for celebrations or rites of passage. This Winter Solstice, you can get henna'd *and* help the Mrs. Duck Project at the same time! Kara Jones (and friends) will be at Café Luna from 3:30 to 6pm to decorate islanders (first come, first served) with henna for the holidays! Suggested donations vary, based on designs, from $10 to $50. Profits benefit the Mrs. Duck Project, a bereavement outreach for families after the death of child. The Project is currently working to create an animated short film of the story Mrs. Duck and The Woman! We'll have copies of the print book around for people to read if you are interested in learning more that day… Hawk Jones will also be on-hand with his classical guitar and dreamy improv, unplugged sound. And just to keep the buzz going, we'll even have a few folks spouting Rumi as we get you ready for your Winter Solstice celebrations!! If you want more info,
call Kara at 206-251-6706
(KotaPress voice mail -
leave a message) or email
her at kara@hennahealing.com
or editor@kotapress.com! . ~~~
Our own Joan M. McCabe has just released Chapter 6-A of her novel Tapestry of Time, and you can only read it here!!! You'll have to check out the November issue of Kota On Vashon to see the first half of Chapter 6... Click here to read chapter 6-A of Tapestry of Time!!! And don't forget to come back next month for Chapter 7!! For more information about Joan, see www.jmmccabe.com
~~~ Brent
& Turner Down!! Greeting holiday music
people! - Friday, December 5th, 2003: I will be doing a rare solo performance at The Hardware Store in downtown Vashon for the First Friday Art Opening this month. The evening will include some much-loved old faves (zepplin, floyd, hendrix...) as well as a healthy dose of original music. I expect to start at about 7pm, playing for a couple of long sets, and perhaps sharing the mic with some musical partners. Please join me for this evening of acoustic music. - Sunday, December 7th, 2003: The Vashon Island Chorale will be performing our annual Christmas show at the John Vianney church, just off of Cove road. Tickets are on sale at Books By The Way in downtown Vashon. We'll be joined by Craig Hansen on organ, and a wonderful brass section (under the direction of the masterful David Kappy). Pieces include Daniel Pinkham's 'Christmas Cantata' and R. Vaughn William's 'Festival Te Deum', as well a selection of favorites in french, hebrew, latin, and english. There will be two performances: 5:00pm and 7:00pm. Love to see you there! - Friday, December 19th, 2003: Turner Down will once again be laying out the funk with spunk at Cafe Luna, Vashon island. We'll kick it in around 7:00pm and go until the dust settles. Getcher latte and chair, cuz it's a for sure thing we'll manage a few never-before-attempted musical feats. Cafe Luna is located at the intersection of bank Road and Vashon Highway south, right in the heart of Vashon town. Turner Down is Fletcher Andrews on the kit, Jack Barbash on keys, Doug Ringer on low end, Luke McQuillin and myself on guitars. All have a wonderful, safe, and peaceful Holiday Season! See ya there! Peace, ~~~
Rustic for the Holidays!! A Bit of the Wild comes to Rustic for the Holidays T. Martino shares with us her full array of multi media art for the Holiday Arts tour and the month of December. For the first time on Vashon, Martino is sharing her reverse oil on glass, etched slump glass and soapstone sculptures. All are done in Martino's simplistic style of "a few lines say so much". These will be accompanied by Martino's more well known oil pastels and writings. Martino's work, regardless of the medium, captures her deep respect and love for the animals with whom she lives so closely. Join us for a close-up of Martino's newly expanded program at Wolftown. On December 5th from 6 to 9 p.m. Martino will be accompanied by Archimedes the Owl for First Friday Gallery Cruise. Martino has received her federal permit to work with rescued at-risk indigenous birds of prey. Archimedes is one of three birds of prey presently residing at Wolftown. For more information check out the website at www.wolftown.org Martino is joined by Alaska
Native Tlingit artist Odin
Lonning who's work helps
support Orca recovery and
the Vashon Hydrophone Project.
Lonning's works can also
be seen online at www.acspugetsound.org.
Enjoy the beautiful work
of local artists and offer
your support of the great
work they do with the wolves,
horses, indigenous birds
of prey and our beloved
Please join Orca Annie Stateler and Odin Lonning Sunday, December 7th, 2- 4 PM, at Rustic Elegance for a killer whale salon. The "Dorsal Spin" will be a casual, interactive chat about our local orcas and the Vashon Hydrophone Project (VHP) for Puget Sound orca research. Bring your podmates, ideas, questions, and donations for the VHP. This is killer whale viewing
season on Vashon. We do
not expect anyone to sit
indoors if the orcas grace
us with their presence that
day. If the whales come,
we will take our Salon to
the orcas "in the field!"
For more information, please
contact Faith at 463-3898
or Orca Annie at 463-9041
or Vashonorcas@aol.com.