As always there are many announcements from the KotaPress front. We hope you will find these helpful, and feel free to contact us via email at info@kotapress.com or via phone at 206-297-1012 if you need further information. »» Tuesday,
April 24th, 7pm @ Barnes & Noble, UVillage, Seattle »» KotaPress
Reading »» Saturday,
May 5th, 2pm @ Elliott Bay Book Store, Seattle »» Tuesday,
May 15th, 7pm @ Barnes & Noble, UVillage, Seattle »» KotaPress
Reading »» In 2001, you have one more chance to get into the print KotaPress Poetry Anthology series. One more contest is being offered in 2001, and here at KotaPress we don't charge a reading fee on the front end, and you don't pay for books on the back end-- if you win, you get at least 10 free copies of the book in which you are included! Check out the guidelines under Anthology Contest in our Journal section. »» KotaPress now offers Services to you! We offer one-on-one or group/workshop consultations that can be tailored to your needs. Want to know how this publishing market works? Interested in how poetry can be used for healing? Or would you like to have your own book cover custom designed by our very own Hawk Jones? Check out our services page in the Contact section or send us email for more information. info@kotapress.com. »» KotaPress eStore is now online for our customers! You can make credit card purchases without leaving our secure website. This means no more hassles with those other online bookstores. The eStore offers all our cd and book titles for sale with new items being added all the time. Don't miss this chance to get your very own copy of KotaPress Poetry Anthology Volume 1, Number 1 featuring Nancy Talley, Tim Hulley, and so many more! All yours for only $9.50 (+shipping). Check it out in our Books Section! »» Are you looking for ways to support the Mrs. Duck Project? 10% of any purchase you make from Mary Kay representative Bonnie Hallock will be put toward the Mrs. Duck Project! We are so honored to have this generosity from Bonnie, and we wanted all of you to know how to participate. Go to Bonnie's Mary Kay site at www.mymk.com/bhallock and order away-- IMPORTANT: There is a place on the online order form to put a message, and you must put KOTAPRESS in there so she knows it's a Mrs. Duck order. Bonnie can take check or money order for any amount, and she can take Visa/MC for orders over $60. She can also take PayPal.com for orders. If you have further questions, feel free to send her an email from her site at www.mymk.com/bhallock. (In the spirit of fairness, Bonnie can only accept orders from patrons who do not currently have a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. Thank you for understanding.) »» Want yet another way to support Mrs. Duck and SeattleMISS? Just buy your favorite products at our new online shopping village -- at no extra cost to you or us -- at http://www.greatergood.com/partner/misschildren-wa. Up to 15% of your purchases go directly to SeattleM.I.S.S which in turn supports The Mrs. Duck Project, providing free copies of the Mrs. Duck book to grieving families around the world. SeattleMISS shopping village includes brand name items from more than 100 leading online retailers like Amazon.comŽ, Dell.com, ToysRUs.com, L.L. Bean, 1-800-FLOWERS.com(SM), OfficeMax.com and more. You don't pay more to buy things online. And your security and privacy are rigorously safeguarded. Ready to do a little shopping? Visit the SeattleMISS/GreaterGood web site at www.greatergood.com/partner/misschildren-wa, click the "Shop" button and off you go. What's more, if you register at SeattleMISS shopping village, you'll receive a great bonus from one of our retailers. Do it today and make your online shopping really count! »» Still want
another way to support Mrs. Duck?! Now you can make a donation to Mrs.
Duck through our non-profit umbrella organization M.I.S.S.. We at KotaPress
believe so whole-heartedly in the work of M.I.S.S. that we house the Seattle
chapter's web information in our Loss
section and we offer them our office space as a base for the Seattle
chapter. You can support the Mrs. Duck Project thru SeattleM.I.S.S. which
is the Seattle, WA, local chapter for the national non-profit org M.I.S.S.ing
(Mission for Infant Survival & Stillbirth In Natural Grieving/ Mothers
In Sympathy & Support).
You'll have to remember to keep checking back here for the latest and greatest, or you could just: »» Check out our free eNewsletter! KotaPress offers an online eNewsletter free upon request. If you wish to subscribe, please email us at info@kotapress.com asking for a subscription. (We do not sell our mailing list to third parties we will use your address ONLY to contact you directly.)