Welcome to the Winter Solstice 1999 issue of The KotaPress Poetry Journal. This time around we are featuring Charles Fishman in Poet Chat with some insightful Q & A as well as three of his poems in this issue. We also have some amazing poetry from Esther Altshul Helfgott, Robin Atkins, Marjorie Power, and so many other talented poets. And we are very proud to bring you photography by Susan Mello and Todd Schneider. Enjoy your read, and be sure to let others know where you find the best poetry on the Net!

Poet Chat
This quarter we are proud to present
Q and A with Charles Fishman.

  Untitled I
  by Todd Schneider

Table of Contents
1.  I Ask The Flowers
     by Robin Atkins
12.  Untitled II
      photo by Todd Schneider
2.  First Laugh
     by Charles Fishman
13.  To The Unknown Father
      by Charles Fishman
3.  Origins
     by Dana Gerringer
14.  Holding The Son
      by David Mayfield
4.  Shadow at San Xavier
     photo by Susan Mello
15.  Angelness
      by Kevin Taylor
5.  Waiting For a New...
     by Marjorie Power
16.  Fast Lane III
      by Kara L.C. Jones
6.  Helianthus Annuus
     by David Mayfield
17.  Snowflake
      by Susan Terris
7.  Coastal Access
     by Matt Meko
18.  Tao
      by Kevin Taylor
8.  A Father and Two Sons
     by Charles Fishman
19.  Harvest Shadow
      photo by Susan Mello
9.  Guarding Mother
     by Esther Altshul Helfgott
20.  Bring Me the Sunset In A Cup
      by Esther Altshul Helfgott
10.  Winter Solstice
      by Susan Terris
21.  Without Words
      by Robin Atkins

11.  Driving Home From...
      by Esther Altshul Helfgott

22.  The Quintessential Observation
      by Hawk

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