We often get letters or
articles of inquiry here
at KotaPress from well-meaning
friends and family who want
to know how they can help
their bereaved friends or
loved ones to "get
better" or to "get
back to their lives"
again. I do the best I can
to let the friends and family
know that the bereaved will
simply never get better
nor be as they were prior
to the death of their child.
I try to do this in a helpful
way that will not alienate
the person who wrote. I
figure that if they took
the time to write and try
to explain everything, then
they must truly care and
honestly want to help.
With every hope in the
world, I send back letters
like the one I'm going to
share with you below --
I share it in the hope that
it might help some random
friend or loved one out
there to understand a bit
more about what the bereaved
person is going through.
I hope gives some insight
to how you can best help
*and* have some chance of
keeping the bereaved person
in your life!!
Dearest [fill in name
Your friend [or family
member] is lucky to have
someone like you who is
willing to reach out and
try to truly understand
what she has gone through
-- what she will go through
for the rest of her life.
I guess the one thing
I can offer is that from
my own experience, it
will *never* be like it
was. You mention in your
"I can't seem
to do anything right
and our friendship is
not the same...I want
to help and I want us
to have our relationship
back the way it was...I
want her to feel better
so we can laugh and
celebrate life together
Even if you were able
to really help, to alleviate
some of the pain for your
friend, it just is never
going to be like it was
before her child died.
It isn't so different
from what you experience
in your everyday life
with your living child.
Much like your entire
life is different now
that your child is here
with you -- much like
your entire life will
be different for the rest
of your life because of
your living child -- well,
your friend's life is
different because of her
child, too. Her child
just happens to be dead
which creates a whole
different kind of parenthood.
It is a very normal grief
response for people to
feel envy, jealousy, or
a general inablilty to
cope with other people's
children. There is an
inherent fear that by
recognizing and accepting
the living child, that
the dead child will be
forgotten. People will
say things like, "Oh,
look, she is okay again
because she can play with
kids." And when people
think you are "okay
again" they often
mean that they now expect
you to be "over it"
and willing to stop talking
about "it" --
of course the "it"
is their beloved child.
So lots of feelings that
are overwhelming and often
unexpected come up when
a bereaved parent has
to see, face, deal with
another family where the
pregnancy was fine, where
the children thrive. They
may additionally feel
guilty for feeling envy
in first place.
Interacting with mothers
whose children are living
can sometimes bring up
self-loathing and guilt
that the bereaved mother's
body didn't "do it
right" or that she
might have been a "bad
parent" because she
couldn't keep her child
alive. Of course, we know
none of that is true,
but these are the things
that sometimes come up
for bereaved parents.
So, it is wonderful to
hear that you wish to
really understand your
friend and, of course
you wish she could be
better and laugh again
and take joy in your child
and your friendship again.
But bereavement complicates
things in so many ways.
I would offer that if
you want to help your
friend, then just stand
with her. Don't ask her
to be happy or like she
was "before"
or anything. Just stand
next to her whatever her
mood or talk might be.
Maybe consider reading
Flash Of Life or Dear
Cheyenne. Maybe consider
reading thru a couple
issues of our Loss Journal
online at KotaPress. Or
if you wish to share your
snail mail address with
me, then I'll send you
a free copies of our paper
zine "A Different
Kind of Parenting: a zine
for parents whose children
have died."
I would encourage you
to not think about a time
when your friend will
be "cured" because
just like you will be
a parent forever to your
living children, so will
your friend be a parent
to her child forever.
Instead think about how
you can "care"
for her and how you might
encourage her to "care"
for herself and her child's
memory. For instance,
if you are going to have
a birthday party for your
child, tell her you'd
like to light the candles
on the cake at the party
for your child *and* in
memory of her child. She
may or may not come to
the party, but I'll lay
you odds that it will
be the first time someone
was willing to publicly
recognize her dead child
in the same room with
their living child.
Just my thoughts. I know
how many times bereaved
parents hear that their
friends want them "back
they way they were,"
and I thought to offer
what I could from my own
My heart to you for reaching