by Kota Discussion Group
In Honor and Loving
Memory of Our Children
Welcome to Part II of
our Grief Jouney Q &
A. The content here is
generated from an online
discussion and support
group for bereaved parents.
The creator of this Grief
Journey Q & A is Stephanie
Marrotek who posts questions
once a day or couple times
a week and invites all
members of the discussion
group to post answers.
In addition to answering
on the group, some members
have elected to share
their insights in a more
public way through this
column. Our hope is that
you will find some spark
of inspiration or comfort
or help here. These words
are not offered as prescription
for the ways we "should"
handle grief. These are
just insights into how
others are managing day
by day after the death
of a child.
Have you ever
had someone tell you that
their grief is WORSE? Why
did they think that?
Yes, I had a facilitator
at a grief support group
tell me that everyone else's
grief was much worse then
mine, because my loss wasn't
a real loss in that I never
got to 'know' my Son since
he was stillborn. Also,
a bereaved Mom told me once
that her pain was worse,
because she had more time
with her child then I did.
People are so clueless sometimes
and just don't understand.
If only they could spend
a day in my shoes and then
tell me if another's grief
is worse from the other...would
they still feel the same
way, I wonder. -Katie I.
Yes, the last town we
lived in, we were at a
church pot luck and I
was talking to this lady
who I had learned had
had a daughter die. I
knew no details, but I
figured that loss is loss
and that maybe we could
be supportive to each
other. WRONG I was! Her
daughter was 5 and had
drowned in their backyard
stream.....she told me
that my child was not
a child and my grief was
not real, because I hadn't
lived with her for 5 years.....That
her daughter was real
and live so her grief
was so much more. She
basically told me that
I didn't have a right
to grieve because Amanda
was stillborn and because
she had held and nurtered
her daughter for 5 years.
I was so angry. So I wrote
this poem:
Comparing Grief?
If your child died
when she was 5
and mine before her birth,
does that mean that your
grief is more validated,
more deserved?
Your daughter lived and
breathed and laughed.
Mine never got that joy.
So are you more deserving
of sympathy and understanding,
than I?
For if this were so,
then another, who's son
died at age 15,
her grief is more and
she has more
to cry than you or I.
Do you see
how silly you are?
How uncomparable grief
So don't tell me that
I have
less of a loss,
don't tell me yours is
My grief is my own
and yours is your own.
Let it be
and don't compare
the value of a life.
By Stephanie Marottek
Writing this poem helped
me to feel a bit better,
but I wish I would have
had the courage to give
it to that woman, so she
wouldn't continue to hurt
other grieving parents!
But then if I would have
had the courage, I probably
would have made her even
more bitter.....whatever.....she
hurt me alot, and it wasn't
right! -Stephanie
Yes.... my aunt who said
losing her dog was worse
because she got to spend
time with her dog, and Nora
didn't really exist... gosh
I have so many telling me
this... -Christine
Good heavens, YES!!!
That seems to be one of
the first dumb things
that people feel compelled
to "share"!
For example, when we
lost our last baby, and
my SIL gave birth to twins
10 weeks premature...(they
are now 4 years old and
are thriving!) Well, I
was told that was soooo
much worse than our baby
who didn't matter, didn't
have a soul (though my
SIL's DOG did!), chose
to go back to heaven,
I always hear that it
is WORSE to have an older
child die...and I cannot
judge that, for gratefully
we have not experienced
It's a sore subject of
silent grief, silent sorrow
(like to book by Perry-Lynn
Moffit), "grief denied"
for families who have
suffered the loss of a
baby....will it ever change???
I wasn't told that in those
words but I went to a local
agency that says it's purpose
is to offer grief support
to bereaved parents. They
conduct and interview before
you can attend their groups.
telling the woman who interviewed
me about Raeyn's stillbirth
she told me, "we support
people who have actually
lost a child." I was
SOOOOOOO angry. I took out
my picture of Raeyn and
showed her my perfectly
formed beautiful little
girl and explained to her
that I was in labor for
26 hours with her. I loved
her, I gave birth to her
and she WAS and will always
be my child. She offered
no apology or
anything...she sent me on
my way.
I did follow up with the
center director and was
told that the center is
run by volunteers and that
was the excuse. I was offered
the chance to participate
in their groups but to this
day, I am angered
by that place. How dare
they even suggest that my
grief or my child for that
matter is any different.
: Lately I feel
like I am on an emotional
roller-coaster... What do
you do to bring peace to
your hearts, even momentarily?
I allow myself to take a
time out. I try meditation,
write in my journal or just
close my eyes and lay back
and relax all my muscles
and clear my mind. Also
calling a friend that will
listen and understands helps
me find some peace. If the
weather is nice, and I have
some free time, I'll take
a drive to the Garden of
Angels for some peace. -Katie
I was given a teddy bear
at the hospital that wears
the first outfit that
we bought for Raeyn. I'll
lie in bed with it, cry
if I need to and remind
myself that she was "too
beautiful for Earth"
and that I will see her
again. ~Keny, Raeyn's
I write my poetry, journal,
escape to the net to you
all, or just lock my self
into the bathroom and take
a shower and just cry. Walking
in the mountains also helps.
I make cards with stamps
and do crafts. That all
helps to calm me! -Stephanie
Eat chocolate. Well,
okay, that's the smart-alekie
answer. Seriously, sometimes
getting outside helps,
walk on the pier at low
tide, check out the starfish
and jelly fish and anemone
-- this whole underwater
world that is totally
oblivious to my personal
roller-coaster. Sometimes
that gives me a bigger
perspective and some peace.
If I could ever get back
to truly doing good self-care,
I know that doing yoga
or bellydancing makes
me feel very in harmony.
But I can't motivate to
do those things most of
the time, soo... Sometimes
watching movies -- but
I am selective about it!
DVDs like old Hepburn/Tracy
films or the Philadelphia
Story with Hepburn/Grant
-- or Return to Me with
Minnie Driver -- or Monsoon
Wedding (this is an amazing
one -- when the family
dances and sings as they
henna the bride!!! what
I wouldn't give to dance
in a group like that!!)
I try and take a long walk
and soak up the sunshine...
it feels like its Nora's
love just surrounding me
with peace. I write in the
journal or just go outside
and stare at the clouds.
Journaling helps my heart
to heal, just to release
it all is a relief! I
return to my favorite
"grief books",
a walk among the flowers,
a trip to church, just
quiet time... -Martha
Right after we
lost our child... our bodies
went into a form of shock
that caused thinking clearly
to be slowed down and perhaps
not done at all until a
few months afterward. Can
you think of anything that
happened in your period
of shock, that you wish
that you could do over,
now that you are thinking
more clearly and are a bit
more in control?
I wish I would have dressed
her myself. I was so shocked
seeing her, I expected a
pink healthy chubby looking
baby, just sleeping, and
seeing her, kinda dark and
skinny rocked my world.....When
they placed her in my arms,
I truely thought that I
was holding a chineese baby,
her skin was darker and
her eyes were just little
slits! I then realized that
this was the effects of
her being dead inside my
womb for a week before delivery.....I
do wish I would have had
the courage to dress her
myself. I was so scared
that I would break her,
or her arms would come off
or something. The Dr. had
told us before she was delivered
that she may come out of
me, in pieces! Thank God
she didn't, she was whole,
but I was very afraid of
that! But I wish I would
have asked a nurse to help
me dress her.
-Stephanie M.
Ouch, this is a sore
one! The one thing that
I would do after learning
about the death of my
baby, is to request, no...DEMAND
that I have to opportunity
to cremate the remains
of our dearly beloved
babies, no matter WHAT
anyone else said! This
would allow me a memorial
place if we so desired...and
I do so yearn for that
now. I know so much more
now, and thankfully that
has helped others in our
Share group...but it's
too late for us. Being
further down the road,
enables me to be more
of an advocate for bereaved
parents, even though no
one was there for us.
Thanks for letting me
get that out...phew! It
STILL hurts!!! -Martha
I wish that I did the planning
of Charles' funeral a little
differently. I wish I had
asked more questions and
had the clear mind to do
so. I wish that I had known
it would be okay not to
buy an urn through the funeral
home. It was so costly,
and I felt pressured by
them to choose one and buy
it during the
planning of his final arrangements.
I wish I had the clear
thoughts to find the right
words to talk to my Mom
instead of hardly talking
at all during such a difficult
first few weeks and months.
I wish I didn't pressure
myself to return to school
for final exams the week
after my loss just to flunk
out of my class that I had
an 'A' in up until I took
the test. I wish I took
more time off from work
to grieve privately.
I wish I had remembered
my car accident while I
was being interrogated rather
then spacing it out and
not realizing that must
have been the cause of the
placental abruption until
a few days after my loss.
I wish I had the right frame
of mind to tell the cops
to talk to me rather then
at me, when they have
some training in compassion.
I wish I had the clear
mind to demand to see my
Son and hold him in the
hospital and demand that
I get his foot/hand prints.
I wish I had the clear
mind to tell the doctor
that assisted me after I
gave birth to my stillborn
Son to f*k off, after he
told me to return to his
office in a month for a
post partem check up and
to be sterilized so this
sort of thing doesn't happen
again. I wish I had the
clear thoughts to tell him
to f*k
off, when he told me that
he had to leave to deliver
twins to a Mom that wants
her children, so he'll try
and come check on me later
if he has the time.
I can go on and on, but
then I'd have to write a
book on all that went wrong
during the early stages
of my loss.
Katie I.
This question is so hard
for me, I was not there
right after she died,
nor two weeks after...and
then my physical recovery
and amount of meds just
made everything crazy.
If I would have had a
choice at anything.....
it would have to be the
funeral. I was not coherent
and on too many meds when
the funeral was planned.
I was in ICU when they
started, Barry and the
funeral director... so
it was a nothing funeral,
nothing special, no music,
poems or anything. I was
lucky I got to see it
at all so I didn't really
think about it, until
I met so many and learned
of their beautiful funerals
for their angels. Sometimes
I feel guilty, like I
should have been able
to be there to plan, like
Nora got cheated and didn't
have a very nice funeral.
It was such a quiet funeral
with hardly anyone there...I
don't know... still so
much guilt over this one.
OMG, there is sooooooo
much I would change. I would
have had someone show us
Losing Layla in the hospital
to explain our rights. Or
I would somehow magically
have known my rights. I
would have demanded they
drive back to the funeral
home and get my son for
me. I would have demanded
they let my have him for
the whole 4 days I was in
the hospital. I would have
demanded they let us take
him home. I would have demanded
that we take him to the
funeral home. I would have
demanded that he be in-arms,
not in that fucking casket,
for the service. I would
have shoved his beautiful
little body into the arms
of those who now forget
that he was real so that
their arms would be heavy
with his death and they'd
have a sensory memory of
that. I don't know. Then
I have other days when I
think, "It was what
it was." And I just
let it go at that. Woulda,
coulda, shoulda never served
anyone, so why
do I even to think about
it? I don't know. -K.-
What would I do differently?
Better question -- what
would I do the same?
I wouldn't let my mom
and sister pack up all
my tiny little girl clothes,
my bassinet and my maternity
clothes, my baby girl
announcements and all
the boys things I had
deemed "okay"
for my little girl.
I wouldn't let my mom
and mom-in-law plan the
whole funeral and pick
out Lily's casket and
take her clothes to the
funeral home and pick
out the flowers and everything
else they did.
I would undress her and
look at every tiny inch
of her body. I would sing
to her and tell her about
her brothers and her family.
I would have told anyone
who said anything I didn't
agree with to go to hell.
Do you have a
set pattern of grieving
in your mind? What is it?
Have you been able to stick
to it?
HaHaHa! This question is
hilarious because I remember
the "stages" pamphlet
they gave us at the hospital
and I remember thinking,
even then, that I was already
off-the-map of the "stages"
-- so not only couldn't
I give birth correctly,
but geeeeeeeezus, I couldn't
even grieve properly! I
hate that bull. I hate that
they still teach it as a
way to trying to get 20-something
college kids to understand
shit that they will never
understand. I hate that
they still handout stuff
like that to bereaved people.
I HATE that the woman who
created the gawd-damned
"stages" has had
to defend herself to the
teeth because the FACT is
that she created those stages
for the person who was actually
going to die!!!! The reason
the last stage was "closure"
was because the person would
be DEAD!!! Those stages
were not written for the
bereaved who are left behind,
but does anyone listen to
the woman now when she says
that? NO! Dr. Elisabeth
Kubler-Ross has had her
work mis-represented for
like 3 decades + now --
and the people suffering
from the mis-representation?
US -- bereaved people who
are left behind. It sucks.
Anyway, in the end, NO WAY,
there is no pattern, I don't
follow anything but my own
damn drum, and everyone
can just deal with that
in their own way -- including
those who think I "should
be over it by now"!!
Yes, when we first lost
Amanda, our pastor gave
us a pamphlet entitled
The Three Stages of Grief.
And it says stage 1 is
Surprise and Shock: generally
lasts up to the funeral.
Stage 2 The extended period
of struggle: can last
for a long time. And Stage
3: Beginning to stabilize
or reconstruction. And
I thought to myself, that
searched for more detailed
answers. Another pastor
told me there are 5 stages
to grieving 1) Denial
2) Anger 3) Blaming 4)
Bargaining 5) Acceptance.
I was quick to point out
to him, that there cannot
be a set pattern for grieving,
because we are all so
individual and unique.
For if I were to follow
this pattern, I would
STILL be stuck on #2,
however, I have been thru
all the others, in various
orders, sometimes several
I do not think that there
IS a set pattern for Grief.
In my opinion, everyone
grieves differently and
in their own ways....It
angers me that people
try to put a title on
the "stage"
I am at, or give me a
time table. There is no
time table in grief.
So my opinion on that
has changed dramatically
since our loss, and during
the time following. It
may even change again.
I am a woman, therefore
I reserve the right to
change my opinion every
day if I so choose!
Those stupid, stupid stages.
Someone said to me, you
really need to get past
the depression and anger,
it's not healthy to stay
in one stage too long.
I am thinking -- Oh great,
so I move through ALL of
the depression and anger
and I get to do what, exactly?
Start bargaining? Accept
that Lily's never coming
back? Move on with my life
and get pregnant again and
worry every second that
the same thing will happen?
I say, sorry, i don't think
it's healthy to listen to
you too long -Melanie
This is a difficult question.
I don't think there's
such a thing as a set
pattern. Everyone deals
with their grief differently.
Some days are better then
others. I have my good
days with my bad moments
and my bad days with my
good moments. I just let
it flow and allow myself
to feel however and whatever
I feel at the moment as
it comes. I cry, I vent,
I smile I feel what I
need and want to feel.
Charles will forever be
a part of me and so will
my grief. -Katie I.
Ha!!! "Set pattern
of grieving"....yes,
I used to feel that way,
ten years ago when this
whole new way of living/dying
began. All I had wanted
was "for it to be over"
and "to feel better"....and
I expected
it immediately!!! If not
yesterday! And then I began
to learn...from myself...and
others around me, but mostly
from give into
the grief, to allow it to
penetrate ever cell of my
body...and then some light
came. But that did not happen
for many months. Sadly to
say, with each subsequent
loss, I did learn
babies have taught me a
lot. I remember my husband
saying at one point..."I'll
give you 18 months"...meaning,
that it often took me that
long to begin to integrate
the loss into the fiber
of my motherhood, wifefood,
familyhood. Not that after
those 18 months would I
be "ok", but by
then, a lot of the griefwork
had begun to take seed.
He's very patient, that
man! And now he is patient
and giving to the utmost
in his support of the bereavment
outreach. Heaven touched
earth when I met him.. .-Martha
Who were you the
most angry at, when you
learned your baby had died?
God... just God. I had prayed
the entire pregnancy, then
when they couldn't find
the heartbeat I began pleading
and screaming to God very
loudly.... and then they
told me she died. I felt
God betrayed
me. I know now differently
and am working very hard
but I was mad at God first.
-- Myself.
First myself, then the
medical staff at the hospital
and ob/gyn practice. -N.
I was angry at God. I
was angry that He could
allow this to happen to
us, good people, when
there are so many out
there who do not deserve
their children and they
pop them out like nothing.
I was angry that He would
take away the daughter
that I so desperately
wanted. I think I am STILL
angry at God. -Stephanie
Initially, I wasn't angry
at all, but in a state of
shock. I didn't even know
I was pregnant. When reality
set that I wasn't just having
a nightmare, I was most
angry at myself and at God.
Angry at myself for not
knowing. And angry with
God for not saving my Son
from death. -Katie I., Mommy
to Charles
Well I was angery at
myself and wondering why
my body has to do this..
And I had alot of WHYS
to ask God.. there are
so many of us who want
them but can't and there
are those who don't want
them and get them...UGH!!!
Hmmm...I was most angry
at the God/dess coz I know
the MOMENT She took him
that night before -- I freaking
felt it happen, I swear!
I still have issues with
Her. Then I was really ticked
at my body for being so
stupid and incapable. I
mean there have been life-long
issues with the old body
since the days of being
like 11 years old and my
grandmother starting to
tell me that my hips were
too fat in one breath, while
doing the "eat, eat,
I slaved all day cooking"
routine. So to then have
the old bod fail with my
child -- well, you know,
that was just that. The
bod was officially on the
"crap list" and
the hatred set in strong.
There are parts I've come
to terms with about the
bod. But the secondary stuff,
PCOS, etc. well, I just
mostly continue hating bod
for it all. Of course if
you believe in anything
wholistic or energetic,
then the "hate"
energy is not helping me
heal at all --- which I
then feel guilty about,
etc etc, adnauseum :) -K.-
ANGRY....hmmmm? Don't
like that angry phase...denial
at its hilt, isn't that?
:) Anger scared me within
my grief. Guess for starters,
with each loss, I just
couldn't believe that
my body could fail
angry at myself. Then
once I got really mad
enough, I screamed sooooo
loud up in my room into
my God! And
then I was afraid...and
thought, how can I be
mad at God, He's my best
friend...yet who understood
me better than He who
lost His only Son? From
there came anger at my
in-law family...and that
was a good escape...for
it was waranted! Anger....hmmm...still
uncomfortable with it!
Ugh! -Martha
Since we were
talking about anger.....
I get really angry when...
I get really angry when...
Others do not even try to
understand the depth of
pain of loss....
Others belittle my grief
saying theirs is worse.....
Others try to "cheer"
me, sometimes I just need
to cry....
I see teen moms pregnant
with a child they don't
I see an overwhelmed mother
of 3 yelling at, slapping
or mistreating their babies....
and when I think of how
unfair it is that our baby
died and others get theirs....
I get really angry when...people
tell me to shut up about
my loss, it was two years
ago, life goes on, people
move on. Get on with it,
stop loving the dead and
love the living. Love
your living children,
not the dead ones. I get
so very angry because
that just shows their
ignorance and their stupidity...Can
you tell this just happened???
Well, this is weird, but
I get reallyl angry when
I do totally work that totally
is outside of the field
of loss and healing and
then people are not appreciative
of it. I mean that the outreach
I do in the loss and healing
field is like "mission"
work for me. I do it because
I have this *driving* need
to do it -- because I remember
feeling utterly alone and
isloated after my child
-- because I know what it
is like to laugh again and
have people assume it means
"I'm over it"
whereas bereaved parents
understand the complexity
of my existance now. But
it is not work that "makes
the ends meet" as it
were. So I do lots of other
more "commercial"
work that pays the bills,
right? Well, in that world,
I get totally and completely
and utterly pissed off when
people there don't appreciate
my time, energy, and skills!!!!!!!
I get mad because it's bad
enough I have to waste any
time, energy, and skills
on the "commercial"
world -- but to do so and
have it unappreciated --
oooooooooooooh, I get sooooo
mad. I just want to scream
at them that there are four
more dead babies every hour
in the U.S. alone and they
have selfishly and unappreciatively
taken me away from doing
outreach or writing or doing
anything to help those bereaved
families!!!!!!!!!!! But
of course people in the
"commercial" world
don't get it. One, I don't
think any of them really
care until it happens to
them. Two, I don't think
they get how I feel I have
to steal time from people
in need to service the "commercial"
world in order to keep a
roof. Maybe I'm totally
insane, but that's my latest
anger experience.
I do also get really pissed
off when someone compares
stillbirth to abortion.
I realize there can be grief
for everyone. But I think
abortion is *choosing* to
end the pregnancy. Stillbirth
happened without the choice
of the parent. I just don't
understand how the two can
be compared. Though I do
think there is a grief response
for some who chose abortion,
too, and I do totally appreciate
programs like The Rachel
Project for them. But my
child was stillborn -- I
did NOT choose his death.
It just isn't the
I get really angry when...Others
complain about spending
time with their children
and take the family they
have with them for granted.
I get angry when I can't
share Charles as openly
with others as I'd like.
I get angry when I have
to listen to clueless
pregnant women talk about
how wonderful it is to
be pregnant and blah blah
blah! -Katie, Charles
I get really angry when
people just don't get it...grief
and loss, that is...and
I don't usually show it,
but normally it comes out
in other ways, such as grumpiness
or shortness with my immediate know, those
wondeful people we love
the most, who get most of
our garbage. I get really
frustrated when after all
these years, people just
don't get it...grrr! -M.
Do you feel you
could have prevented your
child from dying? Why and
Yes, I feel that if I would
have went in to the dr.
earlier, when I first felt
no movement that they could
have done an emergency C-section
and saved her! -Stephanie
I don't know. Maybe if
I knew why Nora died,
I would have known how
to prevent it. Maybe if
I would have not gone
to the hospital when I
was in premature labor,
I would have just had
her, she would have been
healthy.. she was fine,
I was fine. Everything
was perfect that day.
I should have never let
them stop me....maybe
she would be here. -Christine
of course, i feel like
i could have prevented Lily
from dying. i feel like
if i would have known that
placental abruptions existed
then i would have known
that bleeding alot wasn't
normal, if i would have
known that bleeding wasn't
normal then i would have
called 911 and they would
have done an emergency c-section
and maybe revived her and
she would be here right
now. maybe if i wouldn't
have worked really hard
that day i wouldn't have
had the placental abruption.
if i would have listened
to my doctor and not picked
up jake or robbie the couple
of weeks before maybe i
wouldn't have had a placental
abruption. maybe if i wouldn't
have taken all the stuff
for migraines and nauseau
it wouldn't have happened.
maybe if i wouldn't have
taken a shower before i
went to the hospital it
wouldn't have happened.
maybe, maybe, if, if, if.
it's my fault. -Melanie
I often think about the
'what ifs,' but in reality
I don't think there could
have been anything to
prevent Charles death,
since it was because of
a vehicle accident due
to another's negligence.
The only thing that could
have prevented the placental
abruption was to not drive
at all that day. But I'm
not psychic and had no
idea that my life was
going to change in an
instant. It's amazing
how much heartache can
occur in a life time from
a single moment that occurred
in a split second. The
day I was driving, I didn't
even normally take that
route. And just think...'what
if'...I had gone the normal
way...would he have lived?
Would an accident have
been prevented? I'll never
know. -Katie I., Charles'
In the very beginning,
I had all sorts of reasons
why our babies died,for
example, from climbing a
mountain with a toddler
on my back, to the cream
I use for my excema, you
name it, I took the guilt
for it...but as I learned
more about pregnancy loss,
I came to realize that nothing
could have prevented the
death of our babies. As
my husband always tried
to explain to me: "Death
is part of life". Don't
get me wrong....that still
doesn't "fit",'s probably true...
Since the loss
of my child, I never forget
Hug and kiss and cherish
sooooo fiercly my living
child, Charlie. I am sooo
overprotective of him since
her death. -Stephanie
I never forget that life
is yet but a moment and
not to take things for
granted... Because you
never know how much time
you have... ~Sheila~
Since the loss of my child,
I never forget to...remember
how quickly life can change
in an instant, in a heartbeat,
in the silence of an ultrasound
screen. -Christine
Connect with women and
men who have felt my pain
because of their own loss.
It is a slight thread
back to humanity. It keeps
me from hating the entire
world. -Melanie
Recognize each person I
meet, especially their
matter what that loss may
be. I have learned that
"a person's pain is
their pain"... Since
I have learned how it feels
to be judged and
criticized, I think I have
also learned how to accept
more lovingly. I am more
aware of others....and can
cry with them in compassion...
be thankful for the support
I've received. And I never
forget to give that same
compassionate support to
others that have suffered
a loss. I never forget to
acknowledge how short and
precious life is and how
fast it can change in an
instant. I never forget
to cherish every moment.
I never forget to say "I
love you" to Charles
each night as I lay down
to sleep. I know in my heart
he can hear me from the
heavens above. -Katie I.,
Charles' Mom
I would like to
have a dream about you,
in my dream we would...
walk hand in hand through
a mountain meadow of wildflowers,
picking them and running
and playing in the beauty.
Charlie and you would be
perfect angels and smile would say
"mommy, I love you."
- Stephanie
In my dream we would
be rocking and I would
just be holding you and
loving you, and looking
into your eyes. I would
watch you play with Corey
and Abby all the baby
games they yearn to play.
We would spend the day
together outside and just
soak up the sunshine and
the love, but mostly I
would hold you and tell
you I love you. -Christine
Hug, talk and spend every
moment together for as long
as possible. We would have
a birthday party for you
with your Grandma. And we'd
take a trip to the zoo as
I know in my heart you're
a true animal lover like
your Mama. In my dream we
would always be together.
-Katie I., Mom to Charles
Actually, I already had
the dream a couple times.
But I would like to have
that dream every night
if possible. I am riding
on a bus to somewhere.
Not stressed about public
transport, not in a hurry,
the bus is not too crowded
but there are people filling
the seats. The bus hits
a little bump and my arm
instinctively wraps about
the little one who is
standing on the seat next
to me, looking out the
window. I realize it is
Kota, maybe three years
old. He's giggling at
the bump, taking in the
outside world as it passes
by the window. With my
arm around him, I feel
safe. His head is just
by my head as he stands
there and I can lean in
to smell his woody, shampoo-ie,
little kid head of hair.
It is the best smell I
have ever smelled in the
whole world in my whole
life. And everything is
*right* -- everything
is in that moment, nothing
else matters, there is
no past, no future, just
*that* moment. And it
is *right*.
I cannot have that dream
enough times to satisfy
myself in this g-dforsaken
life while I'm living
out my days without my
kid. -K-
In my dream, we (that is
Timothy, Annemarie, Dorothy
and James) would be all
together...just a normal
day, (in the summer!) and
we'd just "be"
together, enjoying the real
physical presence... How
awesome it would
see you where you really
"belong" in our
family, instead of the usual
be *** years old"....
How heavenly the dream,
then again...I truly believe...
it WILL heaven...ahhhh...
Do you believe
that our children are watching
over us now? Why or why
I really do believe that
our children in heaven watch
over us. I read a book once...(and
don't know the title, sorry...)
that said that our loved
ones are but a "veil
away", that is, that
they are so fully present,
yet we cannot see the depth
of that. I believe that
our children inspire me
to do, to be pro-active
support and understanding
of others. I really do pray
to intercede for
their family on earth. My
friend has convinced me
that our little ones are
so powerful in their prayer
for our needs. No
proof, here, just what's
deep in my heart. It's what
makes my heart feel good
about them and their eternal
presence... -Martha
I totally and completely
believe they are watching
over us. I believe because
there are too many things
that happen that cannot
be explained, the way
a rainbow appears for
no reason, not a drop
of rain in the sky...
and only when I am feeling
sad , or the way a song
comes on that makes us
think of Nora everytime
we are together as a family,
lots of things that just
show us our angels are
thinking of us and always
with us. -Christine
No, I do not think that
they can see us, for Heaven
is supposed to be a wonderful
happy place, free from pain.
And if they could see the
pain that we go thru they
would not be happy. Therefore
I do NOT believe there are
holes in the floor of heaven
where they are watching
over us. I do believe that
we have gaurdian angels
watching over us, but they
are not our babies. Our
children may send some of
us "messages"
in the form of a butterfly
or a penny, now and then,
but I do NOT believe that
can see us! - Stephanie
Yes, I believe in angels
and I believe my Son is
one of them that watch
over me. He leaves me
'signs' that he is around.
I keep his teddy bears
nicely arranged around
the urn. Last night when
I went to bed, his bears
were all in place. This
morning when I got up,
I noticed his very first
bear had been moved. It
didn't fall over, because
it was still setting straight
up. It was about 6 inches
away from the urn resting
against some Peter Rabbit
books. I moved the bear
back to it's place, but
5 minutes later I came
back into my room to make
my bed. The bear had been
moved again back to the
books. I know it was Charles
who moved it. I wonder
if he wanted me to stay
home and read him a Peter
Rabbit tale? Especially
since today was the most
horrible day ever at work.
I think Charles was letting
me know he's here for
me. It's a very comforting
feeling. -Charles' Mom,
Katie I.
I do believe that our angels
are watching over us because
there are simply too many
things that are unexplained.
It's like extra-terrestrial
life -- in the movie Contact
she asks her dad, "Do
you think there is life
out there?" and he
answer, "I don't know,
Sport. But if not, that's
an awful waste of space."
So I don't really know who
or what or how we are watched
over or what place Divine
or Higher Power plays, but
I can't ignore the "coincidences".
In Jo's Dear Cheyenne book
she talks about that incident
with Stevie Jo's hand, about
that deflatted ratty old
balloon, the connections
from the Kindness Projects.
Just can't ignore all that.
And in my own life, at all
the moments when I'm ready
to give up, cash it in,
lay down and die -- some
sign comes, something loud
and clear and hard to ignore
the bump on my head from
the bricks falling on it.
Since I had all those hypno-therapy
sessions and dreams of Kota
before he was conceived,
where he told me what his
work was to be, when he
let me in on the signs and
symbols that he used --
when I see that work unfolding
now, when I see those symbols
in random places, I just
can't ignore all that.
And I have two friends
who have had babies within
the last year. Both of them
told me they felt or saw
or heard Dakota in the delivery
room with them, helping
them, helping their chilren
-- one of whom was born
blue, not breathing, with
the cord around her neck.
I can't ignore it.
Is it Kota? I don't know.
But if it isn't, I'm hard
pressed to make sense of
any of these "coincidences".
Maybe it's just random chaos.
But what a waste of beauty
then??!! ??? I don't know.
How can a broken
heart possibly still beat?
Maybe it is that it does
still beat, but it beats
in pieces. It isn't one
heart anymore. It is several
pieces. And each piece beats
a little differently. The
rhythm is different now.
Some days, I'm perfectly
well adapted to the new
form of my heart. Other
days, this new form makes
it very difficult to breathe.
Because it isn't just one
beat, but several, I have
to listen harder -- there
isn't just one answer to
anything now, there are
several possible answers.
When I was just one beat,
I had a naive confidence
in that solo, singular beat.
There was no question. It
was just one.
But now with several pieces
beating, the confidence
is gone. With every beat,
I am reminded of what the
word "broken"
really means.
And yet somehow the broken
pieces made an expansion
-- rivers of space between
each piece where compassions,
connections, and coincidences
flow that I never even knew
existed before the break.
And maybe the hard part
is when dealing with people
who don't know anything
but the singular beat. They
can't take their eyes off
the beat in order to see
the rivers. They are disturbed
by the different rhythm
and can't hear the music
of the different beats.
Instead they obsess with
trying to make
me make my pieces beat the
same again -- "like
before," they say.
I don't know. I guess it
does still beat. It will
just never, ever beat "like
before" again. -K.-
It can't. It doesn't.
Our hearts stopped the
moment our baby's did.
And for us, time stood
My heart isn't
is just functioning enough
to keep me alive, until
God calls my name.
A broken heart can still
beat. There is hope for
brighter days ahead after
a loss as long as we keep
an open mind to that faith
and hope. When I lost my
Son, my heart felt like
it stopped. A dull pain
and heaviness weighed hard
on my heart. It was the
physical side effects of
a broken heart. In reaching
out for help, my heart has
slowly begun to mend over
time. Time does not heal
my wounds. And reaching
out to others will not fully
heal my broken heart. The
mending of a broken heart
from the loss of a loved
one particularly one's own
child is a life long process.
There will always be bumps
in the road of grief. I
will always have to take
some bad with the good days
and visa versa. I feel the
choices and paths I have
taken to get support and
honor Charles has helped
me survive such heart ache
of loss. -Katie I., Mom
to Charles, Born Sleeping
on 11/6/1999
In my opininion (and
boy is it an angry one)
-- our broken hearts still
beat because it is just
one more way our body
can completely betray
us. First, our bodies
betray us by letting our
children die (at least
in some of our cases)
and then it betrays us
by making us stay alive
when we want to die. I
think if our hearts actually
stopped when they were
broken that our world
would be minus a lot of
people. Me included.
We'll have more Q &
A in September...
This is a discussion and
support group held online
thru the free services of
Yahoo Groups. Stephanie
Marrotek is the host of
the Grief Journey Q &
A. The full group is moderated
by the staff of KotaPress.
The answers given in this
Q & A were offered by
the generous hearts of the
members of our online group.
We cannot thank you enough
for your candor and honesty.