Children's Memorial
Golf Tournament Tell all your friends! Join us for Golf or Participate in our Field of Butterflies Memorial Garden! Join us for the 4th annual Children's Memorial Golf Tournament and Field of Butterflies to benefit the MISS Foundation.
For more information or to register: http://www.missfoundation.org/golf/index.html Don't forget to buy your "butterfly" in honor of your special child/children for only a $15.00 donation or in honor of a child you love! Order your butterfly here: http://www.missfoundation.org/golf/butterflyorder.html Thank you for your support of the MISS Foundation! We are committed to helping provide emotional and psychological support to grieving children and families after the death of a child; community policy and advocacy; education and risk reduction; and financial aid to low income families. There is no greater tragedy than the death of a child...please help us help others.