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Teen Parents > Helping Teen Moms
You may or may not have read the book review we ran when we were trying to find supports for teen parents after the death of a child. In case you don't remember it or never saw it, here's the link to it: Book review of After the Loss of your Baby: For Teen Mothers by Connie Nykiel You can tell from the review article that it has been difficult to find consistent, reliable support for bereaved teen parents. It is frustrating. SO!!! When I got this following email a few weeks ago, I was very excited:
Being so thrilled to hear from Connie directly, I wrote back to her immediately and told her how hard it had been to find support for teen parents. I let her know we are so grateful for her work -- and it was GREAT to hear that the book was still in publication and so easily available now. Connie wrote again to offer the following information as well:
You can see that, not only is Connie generous in her writing and work, but she is also dedicated. I do hope that if you are a teen in need and/or a caregiver or loved one to a bereaved teen parent, that you will get a hold of Connie's book. And if you are moved to email her with questions or praise, please do so. Know that you are not alone! And, Connie, thank you soooooooooooo much for your work!!! There are so many grateful folks out here! Post ScriptAt the 2005 MISS Conference, I had the good fortune of meeting Ben from the Centering Corporation. He shared with me another resource for teens, not specifically about baby loss, but about grief in general. And because it is general, it could be used to address child death, too. It's called "When Death Walks In: For teenagers facing grief" by Mark Serivani. And in fact, I recently discovered that the Centering Corporation has a whole section of book just for teens.