Healing Arts
Other > Paintings by Peter Schwartz
Editor's Note: These wonderful paintings by Peter Schwartz came across my desk and am so honored to share them here with you. Even in our deepest grief, the healing of art can be an elixir. I hope you will spend a few moments really taking in the beauty of Peter's work and let the vibe wash over you. Rest for a moment in this beauty and be gentle with yourself in grief. are we the sea mountains & hallucinations strata supernova anthropology bangs & whimpersFor me, the expression on the face in this piece (below) perfectly represents the kind of resigned, buried sadness common in child victims of physical and emotional abuse. I hope every person that sees this painting considers the heavy cost paid by both victim AND abuser in these situations. I can say from personal experience, they haunt everyone involved forever. About the ArtistPeter Schwartz is a painter, poet and writer. He's also an associate art editor for Mad Hatters' Review. His artwork can be seen all over the Internet but specifically at: He's had hundreds of paintings, poems, and stories published both online and in print and is constantly submitting new work as if his very life depended on it. His last show was at the Amsterdam Whitney Gallery in Chelsea NYC. |