Healing Arts
Poetry A - L
Authors are listed here in alpha order by last name - unless you published with us under first name only, then it's alpha by first name. We've had so much great poetry contributed to KotaPress over the years. We are leaving the archives of the Loss Journal and the Poetry Journal in place out on our servers, so that all past writings will remain available that way. In this new version of the site, we will look to features just some of the archived and some of the new works that come our way. We are also offering new poetry regularly on the Kota Blog. Sarah BainSarah shares works from after her daughter's stillbirth... Debbie BegenySarah shares works from after her daughter Heather's death due to eating disorder... Gwen FlowersPoetry by Gwen Flowers, artwork by Hawk Jones... Maria Hartley/Sara DeutschPoems by Maria Hartley, wonderful digital artworks by Sara Deutsch... Carol Jo HornHorn offers some amazing poem & photo combinations to KotaPress... Kara L.C. JonesExcerpts from published collections, plus new materials... Kamala KruszkaPoem by Kamala Kruszka: For Peter... Monica LeMoineShort Story: Does Loss of a Baby Cause Brain Cancer? |