Parenting Zine
"...be tender with yourself on those days when the cool weather and changing leaves make you sad. Pull on a warm sweater, make a cup of tea, sit in a comfortable chair, and look out the window-- be mindful of how bulbs planted in October turn into beautiful flowers in the Spring." When you are the parent of a child who has died, traditional parenting magazines cease to be helpful. All the publications you might voraciously read while pregnant end up meaning nothing in the face of miscarrige, stillbirth, neonatal death, SIDS,fatal childhood diseases or other cause. For this reason, we at KotaPress now offer you an alternative resource in the form of a 'zine specifically written for parents enduring the death of a child. Download Issues of the ZineWe are excited to now make the full archive collection of Different Kind of Parenting available to you via download here on our website. To get copies for any previous year, click here for the archive! Please note that pfd files of the zine range anywhere from 150kb to 700kb file size. We try to optimize for fast download, but please be patient! Distribution and RightsPlease note that we allow anyone downloading to do the following: