You are in the section for Holidays/Angelversary. This is a word created by a fellow bereaved parent and contributed to our Dictionary of Loss as follows: Angelversary n. 1. This word denotes the annual date of a child's death. This day is just as important to a bereaved parent as a birthday, and stillbirth parents are marking both birth and death on the same day. So it is different than a regular birthday. While "anniversary" might work, that often seems to celebratory a word for this kind of day. Angelversary is our family's answer to describing this most difficult day. Articles in this section have something to do with this idea: How to help bereaved parents?Lots of people tell me they don't know how to help a bereaved parent on the birthday or anniversary death day. Here are lots of ideas! Amazing ConversationsOne parent asks other bereaved parents how best to cope with angelversary days.... |