Honored Children: A - B - C
Solomon Abbey,
b/d March 8, 2000,
Forever in our hearts.
Amy & Eric Abbey
Jordan Taylor Almon - due on earth May 11, 1999,
born into heaven September 12, 1998
Micah Jayden Almon - due on earth September 20, 2001,
born into heaven late January, 2001
Loving Parents are Russell and Christie "Cee Cee" Almon
Loving Sister is Damaris Mikaelia Almon
Blood was donated in memory of
Roma Ambrose
Erin Scott Anderson
Born February 9, 1990
Angel Date June 14, 2003
The love of our lives

Erin the son of Tom and Rhoda
Jakota Edua Archer
Born August 28TH 2005
Died November 29TH 2005 - SIDS
Blood was donated in memory of
Norman Ashland
For all the anonymous babies whose names we don't know;
whose names we do know, but their parents don't acknowledge them;
whose lives are lost far too soon. We remember you.
Blood was donated in memory of
Paul Barenz
Timothy Michael Batezel
son of Raymond & Chris Batezel
born/died February 23, 1985
Emily Ann Bedinger
Born sleeping on January 26, 2008 to Kim and Andy Bedinger
We had to say goodbye before we got to say hello
Dylan Joseph Bernard
Born Still July 29th, 2001
We love you and we miss you
our sweet beautiful teddy bear
Stephanie "BUBBA" Lynn Bieniek
March 16, 1997 - May 2, 2004
We love you always!
Blood was donated in memory of
Lee Birky
Adriana Lorraine Blackshell

Born Still May 3rd 2007
"Although you were here for only a moment, your memory will live on for eternity."
Blood was donated in memory of
Mark Bolte
Blood was donated in memory of
Pearl Bolton
Blood was donated in memory of
Willie Bowen
Ian Robert Brockberg
7-21-2003 to 12-28-2003
We love and miss you my baby boy.
Dillon Xavier Brown
Stillborn at 27 weeks, delivered January 28th 2005
To everything give thanks, and we are
Thankful for all the time we was able to spend with you, our sweet little angel.
Love your parents Aaronda and Oliver Brown
Talin, Blain, & Drake Cadle
Jan 12 2006 due to TTTS

Boys we love you and always will. We will meet you at Heavens Gates.
Mommy, Daddy, Bubba, and Sissies.
Gabriel Lennon Case
Born still March 9, 2001
Never thought I'd hold an angel in my arms...
C. Blake Cash
September 12, 1998 to February 18, 2000
Diego Ceballos-Kleckner
October 4th, 1995 ~ June 26th, 2004
Son of Kelly Kleckner-Ceballos and Francisco Ceballos
Brother to Carina Ceballos-Kleckner
Kyle Jackson Cheek
Born and Died November 8 2004 lived an hour and 15 mins

I love you my sweet lil boy
In loving memory of Charles Christopher
born still at 7:20am on November 6, 1999
In Loving Memory of
Stillborn 8/29/95
Blood was donated in memory of
Grace Coffman
Jacob Denis Couture, born and died August 12, 1991
Your life has made such an amazing difference.... Jessica, Catelin and Jamison.
Mommy and Daddy wish so much your life could have been different...
we miss you still.
Allen Robert Curtis
January 19 - February 4, 2002
Beloved Son of Laura and James
Olivia Jane Cuzner and Emily Blanche Cuzner
Sweet angels of Tanya and David Cuzner
Born on February 14 2000
Went to heaven on February 14 2000
We held you both in our waiting arms for such a little while,
but you will be in our hearts forever.
We love you both so very much, and miss you more each day.