Honored Children: G - H - I
Adiana Danielle Galvez ~ Anthony Allan Galvez
Precious baby of Misty Jones and Daniel Galvez,
adored little sibling of Miya Gabrielle.
Due Date: 6/20/05
Left mommy's womb on 1/21/05
Little angel, we never got to hold you in our arms,
but will hold you in our hearts forever.
You will never be forgotten, ever.
You will always be my "little Nemo."
Love always, Mommy, Daddy, and big sis Miya
Blood was donated in memory of
Damian Gander
Lorenzo B. Garcia
Born: May 26, 2004
Passed: October 12, 2004 (SIDS)
"We love you Rencito, until our paths cross again.." - Mama, Daddy, Christian
James Caden George
due on June 13th 2007
born into heaven on January 8th 2007
Mommy, Daddy, & big sister Skylar love and miss you oh so much.
Please smile down on us sweet boy.
Zach Gibson
loved and missed by his parents and grandma Donna
Tyler Steven Gilman

12/29/00 to 12/16/01
you are thought of everyday
Jason Michael Gonzalez August 29, 2001
Joel Albert Grayson
August 27 - October 8, 1999
Son of Nancy and Peter Grayson
Blood was donated in memory of
Barrett Hamilton
Olivia Anne Hammond
Born April 18th, 2004 Died April 20th, 2004
Much wished for and anticipated,
but it was not the right time for our little girl.
She belongs to the universe now,
may her spirit fly unbound and free.
We miss her every day.
Eve, David and big brother Alexander
Bethany Faith Hand
Stillborn on August 8, 2003
Lord, I had hoped to hold my child in my lap
and tell her about you, but I never got the chance...
So will you please take her in your arms
and tell her about me?
We love you even though we never got to know you.
We will never forget you, our 1st child.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
~Jerry and Tricia Hand
Benjamin James Harber
born 01/08/02
earned his wings 01/15/02
Remembering a tiny angel....so small, so sweet, so soon.
Mommy, Krista Becker
Janet Marie Hardy
Born November 2, 1989
Killed October 26, 2003
I will always and forever love you!
You're only a heartbeat away...
Lily Victoria Harris
b/d April 16, 2003
Kaitlyn Taylor Henning
March 27, 2004
Born into heaven....
she will forever be in her mommy's heart.
Jordan Marie Herreid
04-27-03 - 07-30-03

We miss our baby butterfly but know
that she is in the angels' arms.
We'll see you soon.
Dakota Rain Hess
DOB 1-14-97
DOD 6-28-97
Cody Austin Hill

Born still August 13, 1999, at full-term
due to a massive placental abruption
Madeline Elise Hodgdon-
Born still 12 November 2003
"My love, wherever I go, I take you with me"
Andrew Craig Hooker
Andrew....Our Miracle, Our Angel
12/10/96 - 01/09/01
Always Loved ~ Never Forgotten
Newsletter/Support Group
for anyone who have lost a child!
Quilt of Memories
(Add your child)
Robert Richard Dale Hope (Robbie)
March 27, 2008/March 27, 2008
Always loved, and never forgotten
Born Still and in the hands of our Father.
Austin Thomas Hoppman
6-29-96 to 10-13-98
You endured so much in your short life,
but we're so grateful that we had you for that 2 years.
You will live within our hearts forever.
Love, Mommy, Daddy, Kyle, Isaac, Brandon
Alex Thomas Hoppman
Born 12-19-99 and died a short 26 hours later on
12-20-99 due to a Group B Strep infection.
We love you and will miss you forever.
Love, Mommy, Daddy, Kyle, Isaac, Brandon
Abbigale Feenie Horvath

Born 07.17.05
Left with the Angels 08.05.05
You are our miracle. I miss you more then any word could say.
Thank you for coming to meet me you have changed me forever.
I wish we would have had longer. I love you Abby.
Blood was donated in memory of
Baby Houchins
Steven David Howser 10/14/99-10/14/99
Timothy Ryan Howser 10/14/99-10/20/99
Samantha Paige Hullings
July 23, 1999
You may have born silent, but your gentle heartbeats still echo within my womb.
Dominic Hurtado
born 2-22-05
passed 2-23-05
I love you so much.
My arms feel incomplete without you.