Honored Children: S - T - U
Bryce Alexander Schmiedel

Stillborn on August 21st, 2005
You'll always be Mama's Little Star.
Lauren Mae Schoedinger
b. 7-23-1988 - d. 5-9-1992
Remembered for the Love, In Life we shared.
Forever grateful for the ability to hold you in our hearts.
We continue to learn just how strong the love we have is infinite.
Mom, Dad, Jamie, Jacob & Jasmine
In memory of Christopher Michael Scholebo
As his heart stopped beating I lost a piece of mine
But one glorious day, I'll find the piece
That's missing On the other side
-With love from Mom
Olivia Gray Seaborn
July 27, 2003
Baby Shannon
February 2005
Your mom, dad, sister, auntie mame, and uncle hawk
are so sorry we did not get to have you here with us longer.
We all love and miss you very much...xoxoxo
Joshua Shelley
born and died
January 15, 2003 at 1:04 PM
You are loved and remembered.
Kylie Noelle Southworth
8-21-2000 thru 1-18-2004
Alobar Holoprosencephaly
Tate Spencer-Koch
16th July 2007
For just a fleeting moment
our little bunny rabbit
touched this earth
before hopping away, so lightly,
softer than breath on the wind.
To out beautiful baby girl, you are forever in our hearts.

We love you.
Mummy, daddy and your big sister Daly.
Vincent James Stanley
Born Still April 15, 2006 18 weeks too soon
Until we meet again rest peacefully in the arms of God
Rowan Wallace Steppe-Viergutz
Birthed and turned back on November 8, 2002
- 42 weeks gestation
"Rowan's Tree will grow ~ From the roots he has planted ~ Deep within our hearts"
Renae Makani Stooks
Born November 2nd 2002 / Died November 3rd, 2002 in Maui
Daughter of Wendy & Derek Stooks
Emily Frances Sugi
December 18 2007 - December 18 2007
Also in memory of our Angel Baby, September 16, 2001 due to early miscarriage
matthew joesph sweet
matthew was with us a short time, he taught us the meaning of love,life,family,friendship,faith. matt is a angel sent from heaven!
Vaughn Mack Taylor

Born August 6, 2005
Lived for 52 minutes.
Vaughn had PUV, a urinary tract blockage. His body was donated to research in this and other similar anomalies.
Forever loved...Forever missed.
Blood was donated in memory of
Herman Tedford
Ross Richard Thompson
December 28, 1990 - December 19, 1994
"as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"
Taylor Renae Torbik
daughter of Matt & Cathy Torbik
granddaughter of Gramma Pat
stillborn August 9, 2004
In memory of baby Trump
In hope for Zach and Steph
February 2, 2004
(editor's note: I don't know the last name for this memorial because it was sent anonymously. If you are the one who sent it and wish to have the memorial under a certain letter for last name, please email and let us know, okay?)
Robert Eric Turs III
December 17, 2008
There's a brand new angel in heaven tonight
A tiny baby boy
Who in his short time on the earth
Brought us endless joy
Love from Grandmom Gayla